At Home with Jessie Kotov

Our ongoing ‘JA At Home Series’ aims to unite women during this difficult and isolating time. It’s a way to share on our experiences, provide insights into our current lives and ways in which we are all managing, in the hopes that as a collective, we can stay connected from our homes and help one another through this.
You may remember Jessie from This is me, who shared her incredible story of beating cancer and surviving a liver transplant…all before she was even 30 years old! She is one of the strongest and kindest people I have the pleasure of calling a friend, and has shared with us all her isolation experience as a mother of 2, and as someone who is immune compromised.
How are you? Feeling pretty good considering our situation right now. Started the day with a virtual workout and stretches with my PT trainer Hayley.
Tell us where you are and what you can see? Currently, getting cosy with my 7.5 month old daughter, Zara as she likes to nap on me during the day. Still have the kids channel on the tv ahahaha
What are you reading? Currently when I can, I’m reading – First, We Make The Beast Beautiful but Sarah Wilson.
What are you listening to? Still listening to my 30th birthday playlist. It has all my favs throughout the last 30 years. Very nostalgic!
What are you watching? Babies on Netflix – really insightful. I’ve always been aware of what my baby’s are going through, but this is next level. Once born a child goes through enormous body changes and brain developments, it really is extraordinary.
What are you wearing day to day? Still in my workout leggings (JA only) and sports crop. New Age of trackies, I love a bit of comfort!
Have you implemented some structure to your day? Or are you taking it a day at a time? I have implemented when chores need to be done weekly. I know it’s ok to go by day to day, but if I have things planned, then I don’t sink in my anxieties.
How are you keeping busy? I’ve also been able to sort kitchen pantry and cupboards. I’ve been able to do more things around the house, I didn’t have time to do before. Being busy is very different but it’s good to wined down, reassess and implement new strategies to our daily routine.
Are you doing any at-home workouts? Yes – I’m doing virtual PT sessions with Hayley Buckley from LoveMyBody. I’ve been seeing Hayley for years. Every routine varies and we’re working on my strength since having my 2nd child.
How are you staying positive? I think it really is the best time to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Making gluten free cakes, being present with my kids, surprisingly keeping on top of house work (I just dislike doing laundry).
How are you practicing self care? What are you doing to look after your mental health? Adjusting my diet – sugar and refined carbohydrates, messed with my moods. Limiting and reducing foods that create inflammation in the body, help eased my anxiety and chronic pain.
What are you most grateful for right now? My kids – full of love and they constantly make me laugh.
What are you most hopeful for? A simple and easy transition back to normalcy, after this pandemic is over.
What has been the most unexpected blessing that has come out of this for you? My ability to adapt and roll with the punches. “Come what may..” Be open minded.
Are there any goals you have set yourself?I’m going to start a nutritionist course, in today’s struggle of what can help maintain a healthy mind and body, is what we are consuming.Foods enriched with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – are ultimately the way we look at bettering ourselves for the future. So, in turn, I can’t wait to tell my family and friends what path this pandemic has made me rethink about we are living. Food is the source for a good mood!
What are you most looking forward to in the future? I can’t wait to see all my family and friends again, going out with my hubby for date night & being able to go grocery shopping.. (I really miss this one) it’s the simple things.
Any other tips? At the end of the day do what makes you feel complete – a glass of wine, a face mask and a watching a fav tv show/movie, take the timeout and be mindful.