This is me

At home with Lauren Williams

At home with Lauren Williams
Our ongoing ‘JA At Home Series’ aims to unite women during this difficult and isolating time. It’s a way to share on our experiences, provide insights into our current lives and ways in which we are all managing, in the hopes that as a collective, we can stay connected from our homes and help one another through this. Share your experience


Lauren Williams is a good friend and one half of the cult brand, Will & Bear. Loz shares her current world and how she is guiding and navigating her way through this time.

How are you? Ha, good question. Depends what time of the day you ask...right now I'm good. This morning I felt a little anxious.

Tell us where you are and what you can see? I'm in Rosebud, Victoria. I've moved my desk to right outside my front door so I can be outside and see trees while I'm working (lucky enough to live opposite a reserve right now).

What are you reading? Atomic Habits

What are you listening to? An old school playlist my sister and I made that remind us of our teenage years.

What are you watching? I'm rewatching Friends...for the 1000th time haha

What are you wearing day to day? Exercise tights & a Tee (I've lived in my exercise pants for the past 3 weeks haha)

Have you implemented some structure to your day? Or are you taking it a day at a time? I start the day with pilates & yoga. We've been living on the road off and on for so long now that I'm super aware of how important some form of routine is, for me exercise is the best type of routine.

How are you keeping busy? I'm working, we already run our team remotely so not much has changed day to day for us.

Are you doing any at-home workouts? Sure am! Vinny at home yoga & Glo Pilates.

How are you staying positive? Playing with my niece & nephew. I chose to stay with my sister and her kids during this time (our van is our home currently, but that's not an option). The kids bring a certain level of fun and help you get out of your own head.

How are you practicing self care? What are you doing to look after your mental health? Exercise, exercise, exercise!

What are you most grateful for right now? My family and their health

What are you most hopeful for? That we all come out of this with a little softer & kinder.

What has been the most unexpected blessing that has come out of this for you? Quality time spent with my family. We travel at lot and have only recently come back to our home state, I've really been digging hanging with my people!

What are you most looking forward to in the future? Giving my newest nephew a big hug! My brother had a baby a few months back and I'm super sad I can't hang out with him through this.